This is my favorite song. There isn’t really a good recording of Joy Division doing it. I prefer the March 1981 New Order version to the September 1981 version. This is definitely the my favorite Peter Hook rendition. I’ve seen him live with The Light twice and have also seen damn near every live performance of this song from him or New Order that’s on YouTube. I think the only New Order performance of this that’s on par or maybe a little better is the November 1981 version from the live in New York concert that’s mostly known to people as Taras Shevchenko.
Tag: PopCulture
Groove Is In The Heart (Club MTV)
They must have done enough of these lip sync TV performances that one of the dancers just had a sign with Q-tip’s face on it that he held while everyone continued to dance on stage. I mean, I doubt that was a one off prop.
It’s so lip-synced that, at a couple of points, MTV just cut to the video during the rap.
My So-Called Life at 25, Vanity Fair

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